Dein Warenkorb ist gerade leer!
I could tell just by the way she walked down my street
She wasn’t from this part of the world.
I guessed Dutch, I was close.
In fact she was a Copenhagen girl.
And we stared and we smiled (kinda)
And me I used to dream at night
After three, three months of this God I swear!
This girl was driving me wild.
(Chorus) Oh Lucky man
That such women should be in this world
Oh lucky man,
That such women should be here at all.
Well one day, one fine day
Finally I plucked up the courage to speak
She said yes, she would like to talk
But at this hour she had a friend she had to meet
But she said with a smile (kinda)
Why don’t you come along for the ride
Three’s a crowd I always liked
Tonight we give my friend a surprise.
I go cold to think in case
A slight delay in time or place
A different hour a different day
And chance may not have brought her to me
Makes me kind of lucky!
Mujeres tan bellas que llegan por la calle
Que vienen de Copenhagen
Soy un hombre de suerte compagre
Ein Song über zwei Menschen, die auf der Straße flirten und dann schließlich den Mut finden miteinander zu sprechen. Jedoch beschließt sie, seine Großzügigkeit zu testen und macht einen provozierenden Vorschlag.